I Love You to the Moon and Back shows how strong parental love is and how it can help kids who have had bad things happen to them as kids.
Author: Susanna Thompson
It Starts With Us, over its 37 chapters, follows Lily and Atlas, and how fate and circumstances ultimately worked to their advantage, bringing these two lovers back together.
The Fiber Fueled Cookbook is a groundbreaking therapeutic plan for those suffering from food sensitivities who have been struggling to manage symptoms.
The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave is a more than 20-page, riveting, heartfelt novel in which you respect those who love you, even when it’s hard.
The Premonition, Michael Lewis’s new book about the COVID 19 pandemic, is an interesting work. Reading it, Lewis’s ode to brave Cassandra trapped in an ineffective pandemic response, one can’t help but watch the film in one’s head.